Kulturprojekte Berlin and Stadtmuseum Berlin
BERLIN GLOBAL, the Berlin Exhibition on the first floor above ground of the Humboldt Forum, is a coproduction of Kulturprojekte Berlin and the Stadtmuseum Berlin.
BERLIN GLOBAL – New perspectives on the city
With expansive installations and immersive presentations on around 4,000 square metres, BERLIN GLOBAL will explore the complex web of relationships between Berlin and the world.
BERLIN GLOBAL, the Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum, was developed right from the start with a large number of partners. It incorporates diverse perspectives on the city via everything from consultation and collaboration with experts, museums and interest groups to active participation by many different artists, photographers and urban artists, and also community presentations.
Its sound portraits, film material, historical items and objects on loan from individuals, coupled with its presentation thereof in theme-based settings, make the exhibition an experience in every sense of the word.
Behind the scenes
The exhibition’s concept and contents were developed by a team led by Paul Spies, Chief Curator for the State of Berlin at the Humboldt Forum and Director of the Stadtmuseum Berlin. Kulturprojekte Berlin is responsible for the exhibition’s production, communications and – together with the Stadtmuseum Berlin – displays which are universally accessible and inclusive.
Kulturprojekte Berlin: Culture for and with Berlin.
Kulturprojekte Berlin has been actively helping to shape Berlin’s vibrant cultural life for years: Kulturprojekte Berlin identifies topics, initiates and conceptualises complex projects, and carries them out together with numerous partners.
With the Berlin Exhibition, we realize a new perspective on the history of the city while entertaining a broad audience. BERLIN GLOBAL is a physical link – within the Humboldt Forum as well as between Berlin and the world.
Kulturprojekte Berlin develops and produces theme-based commemorative years, events and exhibitions, and large-scale city-wide projects like the festival week for the 30th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution – Fall of the Berlin Wall, the Long Night of Museums, and the Berlin Art Week. As a not-for-profit, state-owned company, Kulturprojekte Berlin fosters the city’s cultural and creative sector. Its “Creative Culture Berlin” consulting centre connects and advises artists, cultural producers, and anyone active in the creative sector. Its “Museumsportal Berlin” informs the public of educational opportunities at the city’s many and varied museums. And its “Museum Service Berlin” enriches museum programmes with additional educational and informational events.
More informationen: www.kulturprojekte.berlin
Stadtmuseum Berlin: Catalyst for the city’s key themes
The Stadtmuseum Berlin is one of Germany’s largest museums of cultural history. As the cultural memory of Berlin, it invites visitors to participate and gives them space to delve into many different questions that have shaped the city and its evolution.
The city of Berlin is the substance of our stories and those of others. We want to encourage an openness to the world.
Brinda Sommer, Head oft he Curatorial Team
In what will soon be six locations plus a central depot, the Stadtmuseum Berlin preserves and presents Berlin’s culture and history from the city’s pre- and early history to the present day. Its unique collections encompass millions of art works and cultural and historical objects.
Bicycle tour of Berlin with Paul Spies
More informationen: www.stadtmuseum.de
Karsten Grebe
Press and Public Relations Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum
The Berlin Exhibition BERLIN GLOBAL is funded by the Senate Department of Culture and Europe.