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Mio Okido, Facial Facade, 2024, print on cloth
© Mio Okido
Artist talk with Mio Okido
The artist Mio Okido talks about her exhibition “Remembered Images, Imagined (Hi)Stories – Japan, East Asia and I"
Past events
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free admission |
3rd floor, Raum 318 |
Belongs to: Mio Okido, Ethnological Collections and Asian Art |
The artist Mio Okido (*1986 in the city of Sado, Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, lives and works in Berlin since 2015) is showing four new works at the Humboldt Forum until 5 February 2025. They were inspired by a residency as part of the project ‘The Collaborative Museum’ (CoMuse) by the Ethnological Museum and the Museum of Asian Art. The theme is constructions of memories of the phase of Japanese imperialism/colonialism/fascism in East Asia, ca. 1872-1945.
At the end of the exhibition, the artist Mio Okido will talk to curator Kerstin Pinther about the exhibition and her CoMuse Fellowship. The talk will take place directly in the exhibition.