Past events
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On February 13/14, over thirty projects from all East German states will be taking part in the symposium “Dangerously endangered. Reappropriation of Places with GDR History” at the Humboldt Forum.

Representatives from civil society, local and state politics, the private sector, research, monument preservation, museums and memorials will present places that have undergone a transformation, will take on new forms or whose existence is in question. They will have engaged in conversation with each other to share knowledge, make new connections and promote ideas for future debates.

In what ways are places “burdened”? How do memory and transformation go together? The symposium participants addressed these and other questions.

Reflections from the previous day will be shared with the audience on the stage in the foyer. Find out more about this topic and the locations and get curious and stop by the “Palace get-together I – Places with GDR history” in Hall 1 afterwards, where 6 locations of the symposium can be discovered.

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