
Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic



Loved and hated, adored and reviled, gone, yet not forgotten: Where the Humboldt Forum stands, there once stood the Palace of the Republic – a building of political power in East-Germany. With the programme Blown away. The Palace of the Republic, the Humboldt Forum is dedicating an annual focus to this lost site, reflecting on its own existence and prehistory as well as the publicly debated question of why the Palace of the Republic was demolished and the Humboldt Forum was built in its place – with the appearance of the baroque palace and in parts over the original concrete foundations of the palace, which have been preserved underground.

You can find more Information here.


Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic
Press dossier I Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
Press Release

Images & Videos

A look inside the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic – Special exhibition and series of events in the Humboldt Forum"
© Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
Foto: David von BeckerVisitors in front of Willi Sitte's painting ‘The Red Flag – Struggle, Suffering and Victory’ in the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic"
© Willi Sitte, Die rote Fahne – Kampf, Leid und Sieg, 1975/76 / © VG Bild Kunst, Bonn 2024 / Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
A look inside the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic – Special exhibition and series of events in the Humboldt Forum"
© Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
Visitors in front of Willi Sitte's painting ‘The Red Flag – Struggle, Suffering and Victory’ in the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic"
© Willi Sitte, Die rote Fahne – Kampf, Leid und Sieg, 1975/76 / © VG Bild Kunst, Bonn 2024 / Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
A look inside the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic – Special exhibition and series of events in the Humboldt Forum"
© Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
A look inside the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic – Special exhibition and series of events in the Humboldt Forum"
© Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
A look inside the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic – Special exhibition and series of events in the Humboldt Forum"
© Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
A look inside the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic – Special exhibition and series of events in the Humboldt Forum"
© Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
Visitor in front of fragments of the glass flower in the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic – Special exhibition and series of events in the Humboldt Forum"
© © Reginald Richter und Richard Wilhelm / Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
A look inside the special exhibition "Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic – Special exhibition and series of events in the Humboldt Forum"
© Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: David von Becker
East Berlin – Palace of the Republic – Window front with the state emblem of the GDR
© bpk / Gerhard Kiesling
Arerial view of Palast der Republik, Marx-Engels-Forum and Fernsehturm.
© bpk / Interflug-Luftbildarchiv
Palace of the Republic
© Wikimedia Commons / Istvan, CC-BY-SA 3.0
Arrival of coaches in front of the brightly lit Palace of the Republic
© Harry Hirschfeld / Deutsches Historisches Museum / digitale Reproduktion: Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
View over the Marx-Engels Forum to the Palace of the Republic
© Harry Hirschfeld, Deutsches Historisches Museums, digitale Reproduktion: Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
View over the Marx-Engels Forum to the Palace of the Republic
© Harry Hirschfeld, Deutsches Historisches Museums, digitale Reproduktion: Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
View of the bar and guests on the 3rd floor of the foyer in the Palace of the Republic
© Hartmut Schorsch, Deutsches Historisches Museum, digitale Reproduktion: Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
View of the "Espresso" café in the Palace of the Republic
© Abt. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Palast der Republik
Milk bar in the Palace of the Republic
© Abt. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Palast der Republik
Stairs behind the entrance to the Palace of the Republic on Marx-Engels-Platz, date of photograph: 01/05/1976,
© bpk / Herbert Fiebig
View into the staircase hall of the Palace of the Republic Date of photograph: 1970s
© bpk / Max Ittenbach
Sculpture "The Glass Flower" by glass artists Reginald Richter and Richard O. Wilhelm, date of photograph: n.d. (1970/80s)
© Gläserne Blume: Reginald Richter und Richard Wilhelm, bpk / Gerhard Kiesling
Performance by an FDJ singing group in the Great Hall of the Palace of the Republic, view from the stage into the audience
© Deutsches Historisches Museum / digitale Reproduktion: Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
Demonstrators in front of the Palast der Republik on 4 November 1989
© bpk / Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED Diktatur / Klaus Mehner
Volkskammer meeting in the Palace of the Republic on 13 November 1989
© picture alliance / ZB / Paul Glaser
Aerial view, view of the dummy palace and the Palace of the Republic
© picture-alliance / akg-images / Reimer Wulf
The first visitors take a dinghy ride through the flooded Palace of the Republic in Berlin on 3 September 2004.
Demonstration against the demolition of the Palace of the Republic
© Wikipedia / Mazbln,
Excursion boat on the Spree in front of the remains of the lift shafts and staircases of the demolished Palace of the Republic
© picture alliance / zb | Dieter Palm
Schlossplatz in Berlin – centre with Humboldtbox , on the right the viewing platform with a computer graphic of the planned city palace.
© picture alliance / photothek | Jonas Fischer
Excerpts from the virtual model of the Palace of the Republic by the Cyberräuber
© Visualisierung des Palasts der Republik: Cyberräuber
Visual of the exhibition "Hin und Weg. The Palace of the Republic is Present", which opens at the Humboldt Forum in 2024
© Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: picture alliance / imageBROKER / dirk enters
Visual of the exhibition "Hin und Weg. The Palace of the Republic is Present", which opens at the Humboldt Forum in 2024
© Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss; bpk / Gerhard Kiesling

Nikolaus Becker, *1961, Photographer

Dr. Sabine Bergmann-Pohl, *1946, Physician, president of the freely elected People’s Chamber, last head of state of East Germany

Amelie Deuflhard, *1959, Joint initiator of interim cultural usage at the Palace

Prof. Dr. Wolf R. Eisentraut, *1943, Architect in the Kollektiv (work group) for the overall concept and responsible for the central section with the large foyer

Dr. Dr. Bruno Flierl, 1927–2023, Architect in the Kollektiv (work group) for the overall concept, architectural theorist, journalist

Dr. Ing. Viet Duc Nguyen, *1956, Student from Vietnam, visitor

Gertraude Pohl, *1940, Designer of colour scheme and furnishing

Frank Schäfer, *1959, Show hair stylist in the Jugendtreff (Youth Club)