PRESS RELEASE | 25 March 2022
Art in Architecture at the Humboldt Forum: Statue of Limitations erected in Nachtigalplatz
As of today, the Statue of Limitations by Kang Sunkoo has a temporary home in Nachtigalplatz, located in the so-called Afrikanisches Viertel (African Quarter) in Berlin Wedding. The work, which resulted from an international Art in Architecture competition for the Humboldt Forum, is a two-piece, black patinated bronze sculpture in the form of a flag at half-mast. It connects two symbolically charged locations: the Humboldt Forum, where the lower half of the Statue of Limitations can be seen in the Stair Hall and Nachtigalplatz, where its complementary upper half can be now found, initially for a six-month period.
The complete press release is available for download below.
Art in Architecture at the Humboldt Forum: Statue of Limitations erected in Nachtigalplatz
Press Release | Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss