Press Release I Berlin, 16 June 2020

Despite the corona pandemic, the Humboldt Forum will be completed by the end of 2020

On the basis of the report by the executive board on the progress of the construction work of the building, the foundation board of the Stiftung Humboldt Forum foundation in the Berlin Palace has decided at today’s meeting to open the Humboldt Forum in December this year, as previously announced. The fact that this will be possible despite the delays on the building site due to corona-related restrictions is a major achievement by all planners, engineers and construction workers involved in the project. In particular, the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning is doing everything it can to allow the necessary tests for the complex building technology systems to be conducted in good time by the assessors. These tests are mandatory before permission for use can be issued. This means that the Humboldt Forum will not be opened until December 2020. Naturally, this is dependent on whether or not further restrictions are put in place due to the pandemic.

The complete press release is available for download below.


Despite the corona pandemic, the Humboldt Forum will be completed by the end of 2020
Press Release I Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss I 16 June 2020


Humboldt Forum
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