image 1:
Prayer niche (Iran) in the exhibition area "Aspects of Islam" of the Ethnological Collections in the Humboldt Forum.
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss / Giuliani von Giese
Guided Tour
Aspects of Islam
Bookable group tour
Past events
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160 € |
Please book the tour by phone at +49 30 99 211 89 89 or via e-mail to [email protected]. |
Our mediators speak many different languages. Please contact the visitor service if you need assistance. |
Duration: 60 min |
14 years and older |
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, German audio description, German Sign Language, Greek, Hebrew, Igbo, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish (Kumanci), Persian, Pidgin, Plain German, Portuguese, Russian, Simple German, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese |
Accessible for wheelchairs |
3rd floor |
max. 25 persons |
Belongs to: Ethnologisches Museum and Museum für Asiatische Kunst |
The tour provides insights into the history and present of Islam. In addition to objects from the collection, visitors learn about four current mosque communities and their different understandings of Islam. These can be experienced through videos and objects selected by the communities.