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Once a month since 2021, the Humboldt Lab has been hosting artistic freedom to shake up the scientific point of view. Equipped with a microphone and amplifier, two slam poets stroll through the exhibition “After Nature” to recite texts. Between a digitally animated school of fish, a fifteen-metre-wide satellite view of the world and deceptively real-looking, 150-year-old replicas of apples, visitors are taken on a “verballistic flight” through the science exhibition.

The changing artistic duos of the #Logoskop transform the images from the world’s microscopes and periscopes into a poetic show. They offer a deliberately subjective, heretical, humorous look at the exhibits.

If science is queen in the Humboldt Lab, then the #Logoskop is her court jester. With surprise, provocation and anarchic wordplay, the exhibition “After Nature” will be both explored and taken for a ride.

The #Logoskop is curated and moderated by Bas Böttcher, the first German poetry slam champion.


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After Nature
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