Past events
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Korean, Portuguese, Norwegian, Tyrolean, sign language and German: storytelling works in all languages and even when two storytellers speak two different languages. In tandems, two languages become one narrative and no matter if you only speak one language, maybe you’ve only heard the other one before, or if you understand both languages – the story comes alive for everyone!

Professional storytellers have brought many tales with them, connecting narrative, myth and motifs in ways that transcend languages. These stories keep cultures and traditions alive and even breathe new life into objects. Listen to a tale about the stone which was used to build the façade, or the story of a tiny snail. These stories, inspired by the work of Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt, transport us into a multitude of tales on the subject of tolerance and respect.  Every weekend, we will be telling a different story for children aged 4 and upwards, and their families – each will be told in German and one other language.


The curators

The programme