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Which title will be non-fiction book of the year?

The Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publishers and Booksellers Association’s Foundation for Book Culture and the Promotion of Reading) will present the second German Non-Fiction Prize at the Humboldt Forum. The jury selecting the winning title comprises seven experts from the fields of non-fiction criticism, journalism, science, culture and the book trade. The prize is awarded to an outstanding German-language work of non-fiction that promotes social debate.

The aim of the German Non-Fiction Prize is to promote awareness of non-fiction as a basis for the dissemination of knowledge and the formation of substantiated opinions, as well as a barometer of, and catalyst for, public discourse.

This year, the Humboldt Forum will once again host the award ceremony, and the public are invited to the pre-award event: In Conversation With the Nominees on the preceding day.


The 2022 jury:

Stefan Koldehoff (cultural editor, Deutschlandfunk)
Dr. Klaus Kowalke (Lessing & Kompanie bookshop)
Tania Martini (cultural editor, Deutschlandfunk, DIE ZEIT
Prof. Dr. Meron Mendel (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Director of the Anne Frank Educational Centre)
Dr. Jeanne Rubner (TU München)
Denis Scheck (literary critic, TV host)
Prof. Dr. Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin)

On Sunday 29/05/2022, the Humboldt Forum warmly invites you to the German Non-Fiction Prize Pre-Award Event. In Conversation With the Nominees: an opportunity to listen to the nominated authors on the eve of the award ceremony, and to get involved in the discussion. This event will include German Sign Language (DGS) interpretation. Hosted by: Shelly Kupferberg, Hadnet Tesfai and Jörg Thadeusz.

You can follow the live streamed award ceremony from the Humboldt Forum on Monday 30/05/2022.


Patron of the German Non-Fiction Prize is Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth. The main sponsor of the Prize is the Deutsche Bank Stiftung, and the award is supported/promoted by the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss.


Live stream
The eight shortlisted titles for the German Non-Fiction Prize 2022
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THE NOMINATED BOOKS (in alphabetical order):

Deutscher Sachbuchpreis 2022