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Gideon Klein, born in Czechoslovakia in 1919, was interned in Theresienstadt in 1941 and murdered on January 27, 1945, the day of the liberation of Auschwitz. His last work, a string trio, will be performed by young musicians from the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester academy in the last Micro Concert of the season at two special exhibition venues. In the Humboldt Laboratory, traces lead to the involvement of the Berlin University in the National Socialists’ policy of conquest and extermination: the “General Plan East” for agrarian colonisation, the collection of German dialects in the “living space” of Eastern Europe and a photo collection of “folk” customs. It is not far from the “Interconnections” room of the Berlin Global exhibition to the prisoner uniform from the Ravensbrück concentration camp in the “Fashion” room and documents on the Shoah in the “War” room.


Gideon Klein (1919-1945)

Trio for Violin, Viola and Violoncello

1. Allegro

2. Lento

3. Molto Vivace


Notes on the life and work of Gideon Klein

by Steffen Georgi, rsb concert dramaturge

Composing in Theresienstadt

Until recently, the name Gideon Klein was missing from music encyclopaedias. Instead, he was on the lists used by the SS to register the inmates of the Theresienstadt concentration camp. Delivered to the “model ghetto” in December 1941, two days before his 22nd birthday, the young musician, along with Hans Krása, Pavel Haas and Viktor Ullmann, was one of those who felt the “generosity” of the Nazis in the camp. According to the Nazis’ cunning plan, the Theresienstadt Jewish reservation was supposed to look like paradise from the outside.

Before his internment, Gideon Klein had only just been able to complete the piano masterclass at the Prague Conservatory. He had to abandon his further studies (musicology, composition, philosophy) because the German occupiers closed the Czech universities. He now organised musical events in the camp, took on the care of orphans, performed as a pianist and studied chamber music with like-minded people. He also composed (as an autodidact) for the conductors, singers and instrumentalists imprisoned with him, an oppressively carefully selected group of brilliant Jewish artists of the time. “It should only be emphasised that I was encouraged and not hindered in my musical work by Theresienstadt, that we by no means merely sat lamenting by Babylon’s rivers and that our cultural will was adequate to our will to live,” noted Viktor Ullmann in his essay “Goethe and Ghetto” in 1944.

A few weeks after a Nazi propaganda film about the supposed idyll in Theresienstadt was shot in the summer of 1944, the prisoners were deported to the gas chambers in Auschwitz, one by one. Gideon Klein was on the transport that left northern Bohemia on 16 October 1944. He had finished composing his last work, the string trio, on 7 October. He was not yet 25 years old at the time.

The will to culture as the will to live

The scoring and content of the string trio directly relate to the final, escalating situation in which the camp inmates found themselves: Every day, transports of prisoners tore gaps in the ranks of available musicians, making familiar colleagues, friends and family members disappear forever. All three movements of Gideon Klein’s trio use Moravian folk melodies. Nevertheless, the joy of home does not arise. Tonally distorted and rhythmically broken, the folk melodies in the outer movements breathe illusionless sadness, but also strength of character, toughness and pride. In the middle of the middle movement, a series of variations on a folk song, a variation literally constricts the listener’s heart. Quiet, unadorned, monophonic, in a casual andantino tempo and in a rhythmically almost uprooted 5/8 metre, a small melody announces the most thorough of all cruelties, obliteration through forgetting.


belongs to

Micro Concert #5 is part of a series of concerts in which RSB musicians engage into a dialogue with the exhibitions. The Humboldt Forum and the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin are jointly organising the Micro Concerts on Museum Sundays until June 2024 – as part of the RSB’s 100th anniversary.


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