Past events
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The diverse sound of tombak and daf has always fascinated Mortazavi. It connects him with an understanding of music and movement that is as multifaceted as it is constantly evolving. His musical ideas transcend traditional techniques and ways of playing both instruments. Mortazavi describes finding a balance between concentration and letting go as the essential element of his musical work: a constantly changing movement in which the boundaries of body and mind dissolve into one another. Mortazavi focusses exclusively on music, detached from the instrument and national-cultural narratives, in pursuit of the idea of a universal music.


Belongs to

{{ $parent.currentDay | formatDateLong_en }}, closed {{ $parent.currentDay | formatDateLong_en }}, {{$parent.openingHours.start | time_en}} – {{$parent.openingHours.end | time_en}} open