We welcome ICOM Germany to the Annual Conference from 2-5 November 2022 in Berlin!
ICOM Germany is the self-organisation of museum professionals in Germany and the German National Committee of the International Council of Museums ICOM, based in Paris. This year’s Annual Conference is dedicated to the theme of Changing Museums.
The world is changing. And museums are also part of these changes, actively shaping and driving change themselves. Through their shared understanding of culture and science, museums can develop into spaces that function for very different and heterogeneous communities. For this, museums themselves must change – but they also initiate change themselves.
The conference will focus on the following questions, among others: How do museums themselves become places of social change, justice and participation? And how can they act as a catalyst for positive social change and bring about change externally? How do museums deal with colonial heritage and problematic provenances? Can the museum drive change towards sustainability? How can museums strengthen participation and inclusion and enable social cohesion?
The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, the Humboldt Forum, the Stadtmuseum Berlin, the Deutsches Technikmuseum and the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum, will jointly host the conference under the auspices of ICOM Germany,
On the second day of the event, 3 November 2022, the Humboldt Forum will host the conference and invite guests to four thematic clusters, keynotes & panels, a Change Maker Slam, guided tours and an evening reception.
More information and the programme (in German) can be found on the website of ICOM Germany