Past events
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There are no historical topics that have not already been the subject of radio or TV features. This also applies to the German Revolution of 1848/49, which was usually described as a “failure” because the goals and demands of the revolutionaries were not immediately reflected in the policies of the German Confederation. In the long term, however, the revolution achieved a great deal and had a decisive influence on German history: with the formulation of basic human rights and a democratic constitution, through the emergence of the workers’ and women’s movement, a flourishing newspaper landscape and many political parties. The revolution in Germany was triggered by the “February Revolution” in Paris in 1848 and the “March Revolution” in Berlin, which is celebrating its 175th anniversary this weekend. The site of the uprising was Berlin’s City Palace and today’s Humboldt Forum, which was also the site of the Spartacus Uprising in 1919 and the peaceful revolution in the GDR in 1989.

The successful podcast “One Hour of History” by Deutschlandfunk Nova brings the past into the present and tries to explain why we have become the way we are. History is the daily politics of the past, our politics is the history of tomorrow. The innovative radio format “One Hour of History” conveys the insight that our social actions today are of decisive importance for the lives of later generations. Therefore, the preoccupation with one’s own history is combined with the call to take an interest in today’s politics and to play an active role in shaping it.

“Learning from history” in the best sense of the word: without memorising dates, “One Hour of History” by Deutschlandfunk Nova follows the traces that point from the past into the present and future.

Moderation: Markus Dichmann
Interlocutors: Alexandra Bleyer, Jörg Bong, Matthias von Hellfeld, Judith Prokasky

Link to the program recording


© Deutschlandradio/Chrissie Salz

in cooperation with

Deutschlandfunk Nova
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