Past events
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Why are there 66 clocks hanging on a wall? What does the ribbon of names in the small foyer mean? And who sings on the hour on the roof of the Humboldt Forum? A total of seven works of art in architecture are spread throughout the building. It is tradition in Germany to dedicate part of the cost of a public building to contemporary art – the so-called Kunst am Bau (Art in Architecture).

With this ORTS-Termin, we give you the opportunity to get to know these works in detail as well as their genesis. Humboldt Forum staff members will present their favourites and the artists’ ideas, which deal with both the history of the site and the collections in the building. Since it would be too time-consuming to see them all, the audience votes on which of the seven artworks should be viewed on site as the highlight of the evening.

On the occasion of this ORTS-Termin we are happy to introduce the newly published book Contemporary Art in the Humboldt Forum by Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss.


  • Piktogramm Address

    Humboldt Forum
    10178 Berlin

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