Moving Sacred
This reading performance departs from Islamic devotional objects in a Berlin museum to reflect on the politics of migrant be/longing in the European contemporary. Across fragments of religious heritage and family history, drawing on personal reflection and ethnographic observation, the reading points to how individuals and communities in migrancy draw close to a sense of the/ir historical. Here, sacred moves through migration and migration emerges as a sacred move.
Omar Kasmani is a cultural anthropologist based at the Collaborative Research Center 1171 Affective Societies at Freie Universität, Berlin. His work explores critical notions of intimacy and post-migrant be/longing with an interest in Islamic lifeworlds. He is the author of Queer Companions: Religion, Public Intimacy and Saintly Affects in Pakistan (Duke University Press, 2022). His new book project brings personal memoir to bear on an affective geography of post-migrant Berlin.