Past events
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The last dialogue before the summer break is based on the research workshop New Ethics, New Museums. Museum ethics are seemingly fixed. However, with knowledge and socio-political conditions in constant flux, museums and ethical relations are also changing with the boundaries of collaboration, cooperation and exchange constantly changing.

In three workshop sessions a group of students from the Centre for Curating the Archive at Cape Town University and the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro have been collectively thinking about new ethics in relation to curatorial praxis in museum settings today and into the future.

In this dialogue the students will talk about their workshop on new forms of multifaceted understandings of museum ethics. What kind of ethical collaborations are possible between artists, communities, curators and museums? What does a curatorial practice based on relationality look like in practice and how can collective action transform the museum?



Live Stream
New Ethics, New Museums
© Collage for the workshop „New Ethics, New Museums“. Copyright: Samie Blasingame
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