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In conjunction with the Humboldt Forum’s first inclusive publication “From Monastery to Humboldt Forum. 700 Years of History and Architecture. A look, listen and feel book” (available in German), Jürgen Dusel, Federal Government Commissioner for Matters Relating to Persons with Disabilities, in conversation with consultant Friedrun Portele-Anyangbe, discusses inclusion generally in cultural and museum environments, and specifically at the Humboldt Forum.

This inclusive book tells the story of the site on which the newly-built Humboldt Forum now stands. Here in the centre of Berlin, time and time again the people in power have built, rebuilt, torn down and planned anew. 700 years of history and architecture – monastery and palace, parade ground and Palace of the Republic, open space and Humboldt Forum – are all waiting to be discovered, whether with eyes, ears or fingertips.

This SITE SPECIFICS introduces the Humboldt Forum’s collaboration with the focus group, and the development of our inclusion concept. The book will be presented by Katja Gimpel, publication project manager from the History of the Site team, along with Christine Rieger, member of Arbeitskreis Kultur und Freizeit des ABSV | Allgemeiner Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Berlin gegr. 1874 e. V., and co-editor of the publication.

Welcome address
Hartmut Dorgerloh, Director of the Humboldt Forum

Shary Reeves

Musical highlight
Jonas Hauer (theremin), accompanied by Ariane Jeßulat (piano)

If interested, participants can receive two 3D tactile prints with illustrations from the book by post. Please register for this at +49 30 99 211 89 89 by 15 April 2021 at the latest. During the event, the experience of feeling the tactile prints with be supplemented by audio descriptions. A transmission in German Sign Language and an audio track in plain language (Leichte Sprache) as well as live subtitles will be an integral part of the SITE SPECIFICS event.

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