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Participants in the ‘Berliner Landkarten’ workshop at the WELTSTUDIO (BERLIN GLOBAL) draw or collage 3D pop-up maps under the guidance of Berlin illustrator Ulrike Haseloff. These maps depict routes that children, young people and adults know well or are fond of.

This could be a map of their own neighbourhood, the way to school or the club, or routes to and around places and squares in Berlin that carry a special meaning for participants.

These fold-out mini maps can also depict a fantasy journey to locations in Berlin that do not (yet) exist.

Ulrike Haseloff

Ulrike Haseloff was born in Wolgast, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and grew up on Usedom. After training as a basket maker, she studied at the Heiligendamm University of Applied Arts, followed by evening studies at the Weißensee Art Academy in Berlin. Since graduating as a designer, Ulrike Haseloff has lived and worked in Berlin. She works as an illustrator and graphic designer for international publishing houses as well as for private clients and companies.

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