Past events
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Everyone is invited to the WELTSTUDIO at BERLIN GLOBAL today. Together we will make our own wool, weave on large and small weaving frames and design pop-up cards.

With textile archaeologist Ronja Lau, we will ask ourselves: How is wool actually made? And how is it dyed? We will spin yarn from raw wool with hand spindles and hear exciting stories about the creation and history of textiles in Berlin and around the world.

This will be the fourth time that Andreas Möller, the builder of the Thread Cartographer, will take the carpet, which has grown to over ten metres, off the loom. Numerous visitors have woven their connections with Berlin and the world into this carpet.

We look forward to seeing you!

This offer is part of the cultural programme of the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023.

With a Special Olympics accreditation, you will receive free admission to the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition from 10 to 25 June.


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