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Free of Charge |
German |
2nd Floor |
Belongs to: 24h OPEN |
You can admire a few Benin Bronzes in the Ethnologisches Museum in located in the Berlin Humboldt Forum. Students of the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Gymnasium in Pankow show their artistic examination of the topics of punitive expeditions, looted art and the handling of colonial crimes in their pop-up exhibition BERLIN-BRONZES.
The young people used bronze casting, 3D printing and clay. You can discuss, marvel at and decide on the results of their work:
Cultural appropriation or a fair critique of Germany’s colonial continuity?
Schüler*innen der Leistungskurse Kunst:
Alicia, Charlotte, Charlotte, Clara, Elisabeth, Ellen, Ellena, Emil, Emma, Emilie, Lotte, Helena, Henrike, Hilo, Isabella, Karla, Lamme, Lenja, Lilly-Jasmin, Linda, Louison, Lotte, Lovis, Luisa, Marc, Margo, Miron, Nele, Nike, Nora, Ruby, Siri, Thea
Kunstlehrer: René Faber