Let's Code!
Hands-on fair for young and old
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Free of charge |
6 years and older |
English, German |
Accessible for wheelchairs |
1st Floor |
Kick-off of Code Week Berlin with the VÖBB and the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss on 8 October 2022
This is just what I was missing! Building, tinkering, programming. At the Humboldt Forum.
Saving the life of a penguin with cardiac arrest. Exploring city districts with little robots. Shaking hands with a humanoid robot. Textile design – with computers. Programming small circuit boards, chasing digital scraps and learning to distinguish facts from fake news. And there are many more hands-on activities to discover on 8 October, when the Association of Public Libraries in Berlin, the Code Week Regio Hub Berlin and the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss jointly give the starting signal for Code Week 2022!
On this day, from 11am to 5pm, the workshop rooms of the Humboldt Forum will become a free hands-on fair for young and old, with various coding stations, Maker Space offers, creative workshops with digital media and the Drop-In Humboldt Hologram. In the afternoon, there will be a Fish Bowl discussion with experts on the topics of culture, education and coding, and several live broadcasts will provide an insight into other opening ceremonies taking place at the simultaneously in Germany and Europe. On Schlossplatz, the Maker Mobil of the Stadtbibliothek Mitte – a rolling learning workshop with equipment for a wide variety of participatory formats – will welcome visitors and invite them to try things out and get creative. Just drop by and join in!
Those who discover their passion for tinkering, hacking and programming can continue to code in many libraries and Maker Spaces until 30 October. As part of the EU Code Week, which has been taking place decentrally throughout Europe since 2013, numerous exciting workshops and participatory events will also be offered in Berlin, where you can take a look behind the scenes of the digital world and try out the creative use of hardware and software. The programme is available here.
Programme at a glance:
11:00 Admission and start of first workshops
11:30 Welcome
14:00 Start Drop-In Humboldt Hologram
14:00 Live presentations
15:00 Fishbowl panel
17:00 End of drop-in and event
A cooperation of the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss (SHF), the Association of Public Libraries in Berlin (VÖBB) and the Code Week Regio-Hub Berlin (organised by the Jungen Tüftler*innen). The Code Week Regio-Hub Berlin is part of the nationwide initiative of the Körber Foundation and Code Week Germany.