Past events
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The film Crystal Swan tells the story of the Belarusian transition period in the 1990s. The young lawyer Evelina dreams of leaving her home country Belarus to make a career as a DJ in Chicago. But a mistake happens when issuing her American visa, prompting her to take a risky step.

Released in 2018, Belarusian director Darya Zhuk’s film tells the story of a young woman’s search for self-esteem and belonging in the post-Soviet era.

The screening will be followed by a short keynote speech and an audience discussion on Belarusian and German experiences of political change and their memories.
Moderated by Andrei Zavadski (TU Dortmund University) and Nora Korte (“Transition Dialogue” Network).

The event is part of the discussion series “Transition Talks” by “Transition Dialogue” and the research project “Reconstituting Publics through Remembering Transitions: Enabling a Critical Engagement with the 1980-90s on a Local and Transnational Level.” It is dedicated to the dialogical remembering of the transition period of the 1980s and 1990s in several European countries, including Poland and Germany. A public workshop on the topic will take place on 6 May 2023.

With the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education.


Filmstill from the Belarusian film "Crystal Swan" (original title: Khrustal, Хрусталь) with Alina Nasibullina as Velya
© Daria Zhuk – provided by Loco Films

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