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The film draußen (outside) follows four people living on the streets. Nothing they possess would ascribe them any apparent social status and yet everything they have is of value. Matze, Elvis, Filzlaus and Sergio are all survivors – and each of them is a real character.

In order to hear their stories the two directors Johanna Sunder-Plassmann and Tama Tobias-Macht decided to adopt a particular strategy and concentrate instead on the items that their protagonists carry about with them. They asked them to open the door to their world by allowing them to take a look inside their plastic bags, pockets and shopping trollies, much as if they were entering someone’s home. The few objects that are to be found within contain a wealth of information and meaning. Charged with emotions and memories, these objects are no less than the fragments of their lives. In their conversations, the full import of these treasures begin to take shape.

After the film screening, there will be an opportunity to talk to the directors present.

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