Past events

With its 33 m length it is one of the longest books in the world. The sophisticated composition of beautiful paintings makes it one of the most important Thai manuscripts ever: the magnificent manuscript Trai-Phum (= Three Worlds) is a highlight in many respects. The Thai King Taksin commissioned the work from his court painters in 1776.

According to ancient Buddhist beliefs, the cosmos consists of three worlds. Good or bad deeds determine where one is reborn. At the bottom is the world of sensual desire with hells. Above that are the human world and numerous heavens. Only at the top, in the world of the formless, all desire is extinguished: there salvation is near.

In the guided tour we travel with our eyes through 6 m of this great vision of the cosmos: we descend from the paradisiacal beautiful Tavatimsa sky of the god-king Indra via the sphere of the stars down to Mount Meru, which is surrounded by fanatastic ring continents and oceans, and end the wandering in the realm of the Asuras, the fallen demigods.

Curator: Martina Stoye


  • Piktogramm Meeting point & time
    Meeting point & time

    The meeting point for guided tours and the location for workshops can be found on your booking confirmation. In order for the tour to begin punctually, please arrive 15 minutes before the programme is due to start. We ask that you allow for this additional quarter hour when planning your visit.