Past events
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After the Taliban took power in Afghanistan in August 2021, some of the former employees of organizations working in Afghanistan came to Germany with their families.

Women from Afghanistan founded a group in Bautzen: BANU – the name they gave themselves. Translated, it means “lady – a woman who can do everything”. The women master various traditional textile crafts: they embroider, sew, work with wool and weave. Together with the initiator of the group and with the support of master craftsmen from Upper Lusatia, the group built a traditional weaving machine, as it is still used by women in Afghanistan today.

The search for a model that could help with the construction of this device in Bautzen brought the group into contact with the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, which houses a large collection of Afghan weavings.

With the support of the Friends of the Ethnologisches Museum, the group was invited to visit the Ethnologisches Museum and the Humboldt Forum.

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