Past events
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The struggle for East, West and all-German identity that began in the 1990s continues. The central question is: Who remembers the two German states, why and how? Even during the process of the GDR’s accession, East and West Germans engaged in heated discussions: in private encounters and in public, in parliamentary debates, newspaper commentaries, television shows and academia. Many commentaries critically diagnosed “Ostalgia”. The longing for the old Federal Republic, “Westalgia”, on the other hand, was hardly a topic.

Past Show. Change without end aims to explore the memories, encourage reflection and be entertaining. The evening will be hosted by Lea Streisand, one of Berlin’s best-known voices.

Tobias Becker, Marcus Colla, Lydia Lierke, Sabine Stach and Benedikt Wintgens will start the evening in “Pecha Kucha” style. In a race against time (in a maximum of 6 minutes 40 seconds) with a maximum of 20 slides, they will share their insights into Westalgia, Eastalgia and other memory phenomena with the audience.

In the second part, a group of public history students from Freie Universität Berlin will trace the debates since the 1990s with a performative text collage: a German-German dialog full of blind spots and misunderstandings.


Text collage: Antonia Barthel

Idea/direction: Tobias Becker

Technology: Lilli Birk

Graphics: Lilli Birk, Maximilian Gärtner

Performers: Antonia Barthel, Isabella Beck, Tobias Becker, Maximilian Gärtner, Ida Klann, Clara Klapprodt, Leonie Teuffert

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