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© 2017 E.A. Seemann 2017 (Sibylla und der Tulpenraub); Kleine Gestalten (Die goldene Funkelblume); © 2020 Nord Süd Verlag (Ida und die Welt hinterm Kaiserzipf)
Reading, Theatre
Fact-Finding Fox and the Lady Explorers
A shared reading experience for children aged three and above
Past events
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3 EUR, reduced 1,50 EUR |
The entrance to Hall 3 is in the Schlüter Courtyard next to the Sculpture Hall. |
Duration: 30 min |
children (3-6 years) |
German, German Sign Language |
Accessible for wheelchairs |
Ground Floor, Hall 3 |
Part of: Picture Book Cinema |
Come and listen to a reading of the picture books ‘Die goldene Funkelblume’ by Benjamin Flouw, ‘Sibylla und der Tulpenraub’ by Benita Roth, and ‘Ida und die Welt hinterm Kaiserzipf’ by Linda Schwalbe.
Alexander & Wilhelm von Humboldt, Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, James Cook, were the great explorers all men? No! Women travelled the world too, discovering new things and recording their discoveries. Along with the fox, two of them feature as the main characters in this event: Maria Sibylla Marian and Ida Pfeiffer.
Exciting stories for children aged 3 to 6, but older visitors will find them entertaining too.