image 1:
Book cover "Bestimmer sein – Wie Elvis die Demokratie erfand" by Katja Reider and Cornelia Haas
© Hanser Literaturverlage
image 2:
Book cover "Trau dich, sag was" by Peter H. Reynolds
© S. Fischer Verlag GmbH
image 3:
Book cover "Unsere Grube" by Emma Adbåge
© Verlagsgruppe Beltz
Reading, Theatre
Speak out and become a leader
Codetermination is important!
Past events
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3 EUR, reduced 1,50 EUR |
Please book your ticket in advance online or at the box office in the Foyer. |
The entrance to Hall 3 is in the Schlüter Courtyard next to the Sculpture Hall. |
children (3-6 years) |
German |
Accessible for wheelchairs |
Ground Floor, Hall 3 |
Part of: Picture Book Cinema |
Belongs to: Blown Away: The Palace of the Republic |
Come and listen to a reading of the classic picture books ‘Trau dich, sag was!‘ by Peter H. Reynolds, ‘Bestimmer sein‘ by Katja Rieder and Cornelia Haas as well as ‘Unsere Grube‘ by Emma AdBåge.
The picture books show how important it is to stand up for yourself, be brave and speak out! Children must be able to vote, have a say and help build our democracy. These books give an impression of what this could look like.
Exciting stories for children aged 3 to 6, but older visitors will find them entertaining too.