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Whereas in the past it was retouched photos that made unpleasant people “disappear”, such as Leon Trotsky, who fell out of favour with Stalin, or Liebknecht on the balcony of the Berlin Palace, today we are downright lied to by fake films, news and images. Reality is being distorted and narratives are being created along ideological and political lines of conflict. Disinformation campaigns, fake images and invented stories are part of the “modern warfare” of hybrid warfare and political historiography. The aim is to unsettle societies, destabilise political institutions or individuals and influence their decisions and perceptions of history.

In Images that lie – how we are lied to by propaganda, “One Hour of History” discusses a seemingly new phenomenon that is currently being used on a massive scale by Russia and whose roots go far back into the past.

The following experts are invited:

Prof. Dr. Steffen Siegel, Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen

Dr. Benno Nietzel, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder

Prof. Dr. Annette Vowinckel, Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam

Jochen Spangenberg, Deutsche Welle

Steffi Orbach will moderate the discussion, Dr Matthias von Hellfeld will co-moderate.

Link to the program recording


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DLF Nova Eine Stunde History
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