Past events
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In retrospect it seems reunified Berlin was a paradise of opportunity and freedom after the fall of the Berlin Wall. At the same time, alliances were forged and strings were pulled – also in relation to the Palace of the Republic. Together with historian Hanno Hochmuth, moderator Marion Brasch outlines a time that has already become history. Theatre director Amelie Deuflhard and urban planner Barbara Hoidn recall what they experienced, discussed and helped to shape at the time.

How was that again, after the GDR Council of Ministers closed the Palace of the Republic on 19 September 1990 due to acute asbestos contamination? On 3 October 1990, the Palace became the property of the Federal Republic of Germany. Shortly afterwards, the Federal Ministry of Finance began to sell the technical equipment and furnishings or to pass on them for free. It was not until 1997 that a conservation documentation programme began. Before its demolition was completed in 2008, the palace was a ruin, a skater’s hangout, a focus of dispute and a backdrop of controversies, a ‘people’s palace’ (“Volkspalast“) and an experimental ground. Who were the shakers & makers, who made the rules and shaped the narratives? What were the visions and illusions? Why was it exactly like this – and not quite different?


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