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A new platform for musical encounters:  musicians from different cultures have been working together for four years with this goal in mind. Now they are presenting the project and the associated website Pantopia Music ( at the Humboldt Forum. The audience is invited to join the talks and request tracks from the platform.

PUNE, DJ, producer and co-founder of the Danzee Collective, will present tracks from the different albums in short listening session.

Miguel Buenrostro, Berlin-based curator from Mexico, talks with Maurice Mengel, Head of the Media Department of the Ethnological Museum and Museum of Asian Art, about the Berlin Phonogram Archive kept at the Humboldt Forum and possible musical dialogues between transcultural present and ethnomusicological history.

Moderator: Jan Linders


4:30 pm listening session 1

5 pm talk 1

5:30 pm listening session 2

6 pm talk 2

6:30 listening session 3


Project statement

“The PANTOPIA MUSIC project researches and publishes contemporary transtraditional musical forms. It confronts an ethnically, colonially and centrally shaped perception of music with new forms of representation, mediation and production of contemporary, traditional and transtraditional musical works. The sum of possible musical utopias shall find a common place both online and onsite under the umbrella of PANTOPIA MUSIC.

PANTOPIA MUSIC produces digital albums for contemporary global music and digitally frames them with numerous media. Presented are archive materials as well as new compositions, which are created in connection with the project. This project is supported by close collaboration with renowned archives and cooperation with numerous radio stations dedicated to the cultivation of specific musical cultures in many places around the world. In addition, PANTOPIA MUSIC works closely with curators and musicians from different places, who not only have a feeling for the respective local music scenes, but can also initiate a dialogue with the public.

PANTOPIA MUSIC is a project of the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe and the Ethnologisches Museum der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin in cooperation with the Stiftung Humboldt Forum Berlin and the Marc Sinan Company. Funded by the “Kultur Digital” program of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

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