Suddenly Revolution
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free of charge |
Mechanical Arena in the Foyer |
Reports by revolutionaries from 1848 and 1989 show that the intention was not necessarily a political overthrow of the system. For many it was primarily a matter of reforming the existing system rather than establishing a new one. In “Suddenly Revolution,” author Alexandra Bleyer and historian Ilko Sascha Kowalczuk explore what the intentions were before the revolutionary efforts and what the results were. A conversation between revolutionary aspirations and reality that has become reality.
Alexandra Bleyer ist promovierte Historikerin und freie Autorin. Schwerpunkte ihrer Arbeit sind Propaganda, das Zeitalter Napoleons sowie der Vormärz. Nach „Napoleon. 100 Seiten“ und „Propaganda. 100 Seiten“ erschien im Reclam Verlag nun “1848. Erfolgsgeschichte einer gescheiterten Revolution”.
Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk is a historian. He has published numerous books on the history of the GDR (including “Die Übernahme” and “Endspiel” published by C.H.Beck).