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Colourful tissue paper garlands and miniature pictures – these decorative elements are a must at Mexican festivals and will also decorate the Humboldt Forum at the Feast of the Dead. Armando Martínez specialises in making this special Mexican folk art and invites you to watch and join in.

Sarapico Workshop

The art workshop in the south of Mexico City has been run by Alejandra Spindola and Armando Martinez since 1990 and aims to preserve, promote and disseminate Mexican folk art, especially the art of silhouettes and the production of traditional papier-mâché figures. The Sarapico (Zapotec for “dragon”) art workshop is especially known for its extraordinary work with miniatures. Maestro Armando is the only artist who traditionally hand-cuts traditional miniature silhouettes.

He creates skeleton figures for the Feast of the Dead, also as miniatures, together with Alejandra. With their work they want to preserve the popular folk art and related crafts in Mexico City.

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