Past events
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Explore the multifaceted BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition and gain perspectives on the city with pen and paper. Illustrator Katrin Merle will introduce a variety of urban sketching techniques and gives tips on how to create perspectives and moods in drawings. Participants will develop their own personal sketch of BERLIN GLOBAL. The resulting works can be taken home or incorporated into a large communal sculpture in the WELTSTUDIO.

The workshop is suitable for both beginners and those with previous experience.

Max. 15 participants. Registration on site at WELTSTUDIO.



Berlin-based illustrator Katrin Merle discovered urban sketching 12 years ago and has been exploring cities, including her home city, with her sketchbook ever since. “Unlike photography, sketching on location intensifies your perception of details and moods and anchors them in your memories. Urban sketching is about experiencing a place with all your senses”. Merle also offers drawing courses and workshops on the subject.

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