Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
The foundation is the construction client, owner and operator of the Humboldt Forum. The foundation carries out cultural events, research projects and educational work, maintains a permanent exhibition on the history of the site and coordinates the interests of all actors in the Humboldt Forum.
The Humboldt Forum is a place of respectful exchange and equality for all individuals in their diversity.
The Humboldt Forum Foundation aims to represent and promote diversity within its programme, ensuring freedom of opinion, art, and science, and facilitating exchange based on mutual respect.
The Humboldt Forum Foundation evolves as a place of diversity, knowledge dissemination, and critical reflection, constantly seeking to navigate the tension between freedom of expression and art and other affected human rights. In our interactions with both our employees and audience as well as our partners, we continuously strive to find the best ways to ensure freedom of opinion, art, and science within their legally protected boundaries and to defend the inviolability of human dignity.
Our task
At the center of our attention are the visitors who can attend analogue events, exhibitions, or educational offerings at the Humboldt Forum, surf through the collections digitally, or participate in live-streamed discourses. We act as hosts for all individuals who wish to enjoy the new center of Berlin over a coffee or after-work gathering in the Schlüter Courtyard. Additionally, we are responsible for the safe operation of the building, the maintenance of the premises, as well as monument care and conservation of the Palace Cellar.
Cultural Programme
In addition to the construction of the Humboldt Forum, the foundation prepares the cultural operations of the Humboldt Forum. Even before the opening, she organized temporary exhibitions and numerous cross-genre events on the Humboldt Forum’s topics troughout Berlin.
History of the Site
Presenting all facets of the site’s turbulent history — extending from the Middle Ages to the present day — is one of the foundation’s core responsibilities. Since early 2014, curators have been developing permanent exhibition spaces presenting a wide range of historical aspects with by putting on display unique exhibits. Furthermore, collecting the history of the site and curating events, as well as publications and educational offers are core tasks.
Die Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss wurde 2009 auf Beschluss des Bundestages von der Bundesregierung gegründet. Gefördert wird sie durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien sowie durch das Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen. Sie ist eine rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts.
In accordance with its articles of association, the foundation Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss exclusively and directly pursues a number of objectives for public benefit, promoting art and culture, education, global thinking and tolerance in all cultural fields, understanding between peoples, and the preservation and maintenance of cultural heritage sites.
Executive Board
The Foundation is headed by the general director and chief executive officer Prof. Dr. Hartmut Dorgerloh, the chief construction officer Hans-Dieter Hegner, and the chief administrative officer, Christine Rieffel-Braune. The Executive Board reports to the Foundation Council.
Hartmut Dorgerloh
Director and Chief Executive Officer
The art historian, curator of monuments and cultural manager Prof. Dr. Hartmut Dorgerloh is general director and chief executive officer of the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss. After senior roles in the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur in the state of Brandenburg and as the founding director of the Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Geschichte in Potsdam, he was general director of the Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg from 2002 to 2018. Since 2004 he has lectured as an honorary professor at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Hans-Dieter Hegner
Chief Construction Officer
Hans-Dieter Hegner was appointed chief construction officer at the start of 2016. With his background as a civil engineer, he previously headed a division at the Federal Ministry of Building focussing on civil engineering, sustainable construction, construction research, and various other construction-related matters.
Christine Rieffel-Braune
Chief Administrative Officer
The lawyer Christine Rieffel-Braune has been appointed to the board of the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss as of January 2021. After studying law in Osnabrück and Leiden, she gained over 25 years of experience in the administrative field. After holding various management positions in the science administration of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin-Buch, she became part of the board of the v. Bodelschwinghsche Stiftungen Bethel and was responsible for human resources, legal affairs and real estate from 2015 to 2020.
The Foundation’s team looks after the construction, operation and the cultural programme of the Humboldt Forum.
Dr. Kathrin Kollmeier (Abteilungsleiterin), Grusche Jutta Gregor, Grit Keller, Gesine Klintworth, Dr. Uta Kornmeier, Sibylle Kußmaul, Barbara Lenz, André Moritz, Melika Ramić, Carolin Sibilak, Jocelyne Stahl, Rebekka Straub, Willemien van Dreven, Marc Wrasse, Andreas Ziepa
Michael Thoma (Abteilungsleiter)
Asya Ahmadkhanova, Joachim Göhrmann, Katja Grauer, Dagmar Hundertmark, Maria Mazgaj, Christian Schröter, Peter Tiedmann
FM Department
Asya Ahmadkhanova, Joachim Göhrmann, Katja Grauer, Dagmar Hundertmark, Maria Mazgaj, Christian Schröter, Peter Tiedmann
Technical Facility Management
Michael Thoma (Bereichsleiter), Richard Abraham, Jens Arndt, Thomas Brauer, Sören Bukow, Stefan Bühring, Ronald Fritz, Aribert Herrmann, Dirk Herrmann, André Mangelsdorf, Michael Ochs, Olaf Pade, Uwe Peiter, Alexander Scharz, Jörg Schönemann, Ralf Semper
Infrastructure / Domestic Services
Heiko Scherff (Bereichsleiter), Sören Bobkowski, Bernd Böhme, Frank Brandt, Olaf Faßbender, Stefanie Knaust, Jochen Kruse, Mario Landwehr, Mischa Rohde, Matthias Schulz, Robert Sehner, Lars Stahlbock, Olaf Widera
Olcay Hayta (Abteilungsleiter)
Antje Horn
IT Service
Cord-Henning Borcholt, Jan Hejazi, Nico Kirst
IT Business Service
Daniel Althof, Nicola Berndt, Christian Möltner, Mathias Taupitz, Thomas Wittchen
Mirko Nowak (Abteilungsleiter)
Marcellus Christian, Leokadia Remmler
Team Press
Michael Mathis, Andrea Brandis
Team Publishing
Dr. Susanne Müller-Wolff
Team Social Media
Tourism, Marketing, Sales
Sönke Schneidewind (Bereichsleiter), Katharina Barnstedt, Christiane Heim, Nicole Kretschmann, Christian Kawalla
Visitor Service/ Ticketing
Ute Behrmann (Bereichsleiterin), Christie Auber, Amrei Macholdt, Irena Mai, Angela Manthey, Floriana Marino, Peter Schneider, Sandra Stertz, Verena Schaukal, Mareike Witek, Jana Zöllner
Sabine Kozinc (Abteilungsleiterin)
Disposition und Production
Mary Aniella Petersen (Bereichsleiterin), Fränze Czaja, Philipp Hochleichter, Margarita Kähm, Isabel Kopf, Maren Lawendel, Susanne Leibner, Claudia Rumpf, Sebastian Schlootz, Sandra Tietze, Sander von Lingelsheim
Event technology and management
David Matthias Hornschuh (Bereichsleiter), Andreas Bornemann, Klaus Fermor, Steffen Fuchs, Daniel Giest, Birger Groß, Olaf Gutsche, Felix Heibges, Oskar Iser, Hans Litfin, Amos-Peter Mayer, Markus Nolander, Mazen Nashed, Olivia Petrick, Marcel Pfennig, Kai Rothkegel, André Schulz, Bastian Vogel
Han Song Hiltmann (Abteilungsleiter)
Dr. Anke Daemgen (Bereichsleiterin), Antje Brörmann, Dominique Falentin, Ludmila Gelwich, Dr. Marie Christine Jádi, Jochen Krüger, Sarah Lindemann, Franziska Lukas, Nadine Ney, Merle Nümann, Stephanie Respondek
Digital Structures/Products
Nathalie Keurmeur (Bereichsleiterin), Benedikt Brebeck, Cornelia Fanslau-Oehmen, Andreas König, Daniela Prochaska, Anika Ziemer
History of the Site
Dr. Alfred Hagemann (Bereichsleiter), Dr. Reinhard Alings, Karen Buttler, Dominique Falentin, Katja Gimpel, Carolin Kaever, Dr. Judith Prokasky, Anke Schnabel
Jan Linders (Bereichsleiter), Martin Baasch, Katharina Kepplinger, Julia Nickel, Franziska Oelkers, Roman Schmitz, Carolin Trauter
Prof. Dr. Lars-Christian Koch (Abteilungsleiter), Christian Harm Cordes, Michael Dieminger, Elisabeth Seyerl, Maike Voelkel
Dr. Laura Goldenbaum (Stabsstellenleiterin), Sibylle Kußmaul, Team akteursübergreifend
Franziska Sauerbrey (Stabsstellenleiterin), Caroline Assad, Edith Grierson, Lien Heidenreich-Seleme, Tarek Ibrahim, Melissa Ostermann, Viola Rosenau
Irene Knava (Stabsstellenleiterin), Erik Heermann, Karen Meyer
Ines Kuhlow (Stabsstellenleiterin)
Anja Langkowski (Bereichsleiterin) Andrea Bartz, Astrid Lehbrink, Laura Seifert
Legal Department
Dr. Andreas Goeschen (Bereichsleiter), Friederike Michael, Nancy Lübke
Servicezentrum Medien: Oksana Grewul, Bianca Hupfer, Barbara Martinkat
Property Management
Toni Gilke (Bereichsleiter)
Human Resources
Andrea Großkopf (Bereichsleiterin)
Frank Wilhelm (Bereichsleiter), Susanne Johne, Petros Tsiatsis, Yumi Okuyama
Director and chief executive officer
Dr. Laura Goldenbaum (Wissenschaftliche Referentin)
Kristin Bühnemann (Fremdsprachenassistentin)
Marcus Langner (Assistent)
International Network
In the the programmatic direction of the Humboldt Forum the foundation is supported by a team of international experts and a program advisory board. The foundation is also expanding its partnership with the Goethe-Institut.
There will be 20,000 exhibits on display in the Humboldt Forum; how can a deeper discussion be promoted, and orientation provided, amongst such an abundance? And how can visitors themselves actively participate, bringing new insights to the collections? These are the questions being addressed by the Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss as part of a network project entitled ‘museum4punkt0 – digital strategies for the museum of the future’. Under the title ‘The Humboldt Cosmos in the Digital Realm’, three sub-projects – Ping! The Museum App, Digital Storytelling Workshops and Object Talks – will create participatory and multi-perspective digital formats, which will be made available for anyone to use.
Toolkit “Hallo Hybrid” © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ethnologisches Museum / Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss / Foto: Stefanie Loos
After the Foundation and the Goethe-Institut organized a joint celebration on the 250th birthday of Alexander von Humboldt at the Humboldt Forum on September 13 and 14, 2019, both partners are expanding their cooperation. The partnership serves the development of joint projects and should actively work in the political and civil society environment in Germany as well as in the partner countries. The partnership includes regular work meetings, mutual study visits, and the exchange of employees.
Foundation Council
The Executive Board reports to the Foundation Council, the foundation’s highest decision-making body. The Foundation Council consists of representatives of the German Bundestag, the Federal Government, the State of Berlin, the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Members of the Founding Council:
Ordentliche Mitglieder
Deutscher Bundestag
Annette Widmann-Mauz, MdB (CDU/CSU)
Katrin Budde, MbB (SPD)
Awet Tesfaiesus, MdB (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN)
Thomas Hacker, MdB (FDP)
Dr. Götz Frömming, MdB (AfD)
StM’in Claudia Roth, BKM, Vorsitzende
PSt Sören Bartol, BMWSB
PStS’in Katja Hessel, BMF
MD Ralf Beste, AA
Land Berlin
Prof. Petra Kahlfeldt, Senatsbaudirektorin Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen
Dr. Torsten Wöhlert, Staatssekretär Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hermann Parzinger, Präsident der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Prof. Dr. Mathias Wemhoff, Direktor des Museums für Vor- und Frühgeschichte
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Peter A. Frensch, kommissarischer Präsident der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin
Sophie Plagemann, Vorständin und künstlerische Direktorin des Stadtmuseums Berlin
Deutscher Bundestag
Michael Kießling, MdB (CDU/CSU)
Ersatzmitglied für Annette Widmann-Mauz
Wolfgang Thierse, MdB (SPD)
Ersatzmitglied für Katrin Budde
Erhard Grundl, MdB (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN)
Ersatzmitglied für Awet Tesfaiesus
Anikó Glogowski-Merten, MdB (FDP)
Ersatzmitglied für Thomas Hacker
Dr. Michael Kaufmann, MdB (AfD)
Ersatzmitglied für Dr. Götz Frömming
MD Dr. Andreas Görgen
Ersatzmitglied für Claudia Roth
MDg Dr. Falk Goworek
Ersatzmitglied für Katja Hessel
Dr. Peter Kettner, Leiter des Referats für Strategie und Planung der Auswärtigen Kultur- und Bildungspolitik
Ersatzmitglied für Ralf Beste
Land Berlin
Anina Böhme, Leiterin des Referats II A – Innere Stadt und Hauptstadtangelegenheiten
Ersatzmitglied für Prof Petra Kahlfeld
Dr. Konrad Schmidt-Werthern, Leiter der Abteilung I– Kultur und Serviceeinheiten
Ersatzmitglied für Oliver Friederici
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Gero Dimter, Vizepräsident der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Ersatzmitglied für Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hermann Parzinger
Prof. Dr. Stefan Weber, Direktor des Museums für Islamische Kunst
Ersatzmitglied für Prof. Dr. Mathias Wemhoff
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Sabine Kunst, Präsidentin der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Ersatzmitglied für Prof. A. Frensch
Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin
Sabine Stenzel, Managementdirektorin in der Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin
Ersatzmitglied für Sophie Plagemann
Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
+49 30 265 950-0
[email protected]Unter den Linden 3
10117 Berlin
Postfach 02 10 89
10122 Berlin
The Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as well as the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community based on a decision of the German Bundestag.