Past events
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Comprehensive vaccination is seen as the most important measure for containing the Covid-19 pandemic. The majority of governmental leaders as well as scientists seem to agree that policies of direct enforcement stand in contradiction to or at least challenge certain principles of liberal societies. In light of a slowdown of the vaccination rate, the question arises which kind of policies are best suited to spur the vaccination uptake in order to reach a herd-immunity target. 

What can be said at this point about the group of unvaccinated people in Germany? Which strategies are most effective in increasing the willingness to be vaccinated? What is the relation between enforcement, public trust and vaccine acceptance? 

On a broader level, what could be the learnings for public health about strengthening citizen compliance? In light of these findings and recent trends, which shape should the vaccination campaigns take for the remainder of the pandemic – in Germany but also on the level of international cooperation? 

Researchers of the Cluster of Excellence „Contestations of the Liberal Script – SCRIPTS“, the Cluster of Excellence „The Politics of Inequality“ as well as Public and Global Health experts from medicinal research and governmental institutions will discuss these and other questions. The aim is to foster an interdisciplinary knowledge exchange between theory and practice, between science, society and public administration.


Host: Julia Vismann, TV and radio presenter und science journalist (radioeins rbb, Deutschlandfunk among others) 

The event is presented by the Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script – SCRIPTS*”  and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the context of Berlin Science Week 2021 .


This event can be attended digitally via livestream or in-person with a limited on-site audience.  

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